Individuals With Patellofemoral Pain Have Less Hip Flexibility Than Controls Regardless of Treatment Outcome / Karrie L. Hamstra-Wright, Jennifer Earl-Boehm, Lori Bolgla, Carolyn Emery, Reed Ferber

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Bibliografía: p. 102-103

Objective: To examine differences in hip flexibility before and after a 6-week muscle strengthening program between those with
patellofemoral pain (PFP) and healthy controls.
Design: Single-blind, multicentered, randomized controlled trial.
Setting: Four clinical research laboratories.
Subjects: Physically active individuals (199 PFP and 38 controls).
Interventions: Patellofemoral pain and control subjects were randomized into either a hip-focused or a knee-focused muscle
strengthening treatment program.
Main Outcome Measures: Pain—visual analog scale (centimeter), function—Anterior Knee Pain Scale (points), flexibility—passive
goniometry (degrees): hip adduction (HADD), hip external rotation (HER), hip internal rotation (HIR), total hip rotation (HROT), hip
extension (HEXT) were measured before and after the muscle strengthening treatment program.
Results: Subjects with patellofemoral pain who successfully completed the treatment program (n = 153) had 65%, 25%, 18%,
and 12% less HADD, HER, HROT, and HIR ranges of motion (ROMs), respectively, than controls (P , 0.05). Patellofemoral pain
subjects who did not successfully complete the program (n = 41) had 134%, 31%, 22%, and 13% less HADD, HER, HROT, and HIR
ROMs, respectively, than controls (P , 0.05). All subjects increased their HIR, HROT, and HEXT ROMs pretest to posttest (P , 0.05),
but by less than 2 degree.
Conclusions: Individuals with PFP had less hip flexibility than controls regardless of treatment outcome or time. After the 6-week
muscle strengthening program, and regardless of treatment success, PFP and control subjects experienced a small but clinically
insignificant improvement in hip flexibility.
Clinical Relevance: Hip ROM should be considered as a targeted area of focus in a rehabilitation program for physically active
individuals with PFP


knee rehabilitation anterior knee pain tightness