Facultad de Enfermería y Fisioterapia Salus Infirmorum

Revisión bibliográfica sobre la atención a mujeres con un trastorno de esquizofrenia durante la etapa perinatal = Bibliographical review of care for women with schizophrenia at the perinatal stage /

Revisión bibliográfica sobre la atención a mujeres con un trastorno de esquizofrenia durante la etapa perinatal = Bibliographical review of care for women with schizophrenia at the perinatal stage / Estefanía Muñoz-Alba

Este artículo se encuentra disponible en su edición impresa.

Bibliografía: p.42

La gestación de las mujeres con trastornos psicóticos presenta un riesgo elevado de complicaciones obstétricas, y debe considerarse cuidadosamente el riesgo de exposición a fármacos antipsicóticos en el recién nacido durante la lactancia. Además, el posparto puede ser una etapa
difícil, en la que la madre debe involucrarse en los cuidados del recién nacido y adaptarse a su nuevo rol. Esta revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo identificar las necesidades y los riesgos de las mujeres con trastornos esquizofrénicos y las implicaciones de la matrona en su atención dentro del equipo pluridisciplinario. Objective: To see if there are differences between preferences reflecting the pregnant women in the birth plan (BP), between before and after receiving the maternal education sessions.
People and method: It’s an epidemiological, observational, longitudinal, and prospective study, where we measure the variables of study in pregnant women attending the sessions of maternal education (ME) in different centres of La Ribera Health Department since January to October 2012. The McNemar test was used for the analysis of preferences
before and after.
Results: We studied 249 pregnant women. The most important elements analyzed BP identified that showed statistically significant differences between before and after receiving the ME sessions include pain (avoid episiotomy) comfort measures (drink fluids, go to the bathroom, freedom of movement, intermittent monitoring, expulsive comfortable position) and preferences (e.g., spontaneous push, delayed cord clamping and cutting his companion, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding and as early as possible). Instead we found no differences related to the environment (e.g., privacy and decision making) and dilation (enema, oxytocin, pubic shaving, epidural and amniorrhexis) elements.
Conclusions: There are differences between preferences of the selected BP pregnant at the end of maternal education sessions, and midwives could influence in the change.


esquizofrenia antipsicóticos embarazo lactancia materna salud mental enfermería obstétrica Schizophrenia antipsychotic agents pregnancy breastfeeding mental health obstetric nursing

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